The year in review and the year ahead for Stone Hollow Press
A Quick Company Background
Stone Hollow Press officially launched in June 2021 with the publication of its first book and first appearance of the Little Brown Spider. Though published in 2021, the Little Brown Spider was created way back in 2000 (or was it 1999? I'll have to check my records). Focusing first on children's stories and characters, the goal of 2021 was to introduce the Little Brown Spider series and start creating brand and company awareness. The first two books of the Little Brown Spider series were published in 2021.
The Kid's Books of 2022
In 2022, the third book in the Little Brown Spider series was released, "A Mouse in the House." This is the book Cristian and I really found our working rhythm and the best way to depict the adventures of the able arachnid. With the release of book three, we completed the first phase of the series.
2022 also saw the introduction of a new book series, The Little Brown Spider Presents, with the publication of "Bus Driver! Bus Driver!" This easy-reader series focuses on one-off stories and characters. Finally, in the fourth quarter of 2022, the first children's picture book to be completely illustrated using AI was published with the release of, "If Animals Had Jobs." This also marked the second new series of the year in A Small Book of Ifs.
Picture Books for 2023
2023 is already off to a good start with work being done throughout 2022 (and earlier) for two new books, "The Longest Dragon in the World" and "The Boy Who Saved the Moon." The Longest Dragon will be published under The Little Brown Spider Presents series and "The Boy Who Saved the Moon" will be our first long-form picture book.
I'm super excited for both of these books as they sit at opposite ends of our children's storytelling range. With "The Longest Dragon in the World," you have an easy-to-read, fun adventure for a young audience. And with "The Boy Who Saved the Moon," you have a longer story that tackles a challenging subject with care, humor, and resolve. "The Boy Who Saved the Moon" is geared towards a little older audience than any of our previous books. Two very different types of stories coming in early 2023 and I can't wait to publish both.
Additional Books and Plans
For the rest of 2023, the Little Brown Spider will get at least one new story (and that story will introduce a new, recurring character). There'll be a new addition to the Little Brown Spider Presents series and at least two additional books in the A Small Book of Ifs series.
I'm also working on another, longer form picture book similar to, "The Boy Who Saved the Moon." This story is the one that started it all and the one that sent me down the path of wanting to write and publish picture books over two decades ago. I'm working hard to make 2023 the year it finally comes out.
Wrap it Up!
To conclude my blog posts for the year, I want to mention how thankful I am for all our readers and for the wonderful experiences I've had getting to know and getting to work with some amazing illustrators throughout 2022. I am very much looking forward to 2023 with even more characters, more stories, and more books!
Happy New Year!
- DennisD.
Publisher & SpiderWriter